Monday, May 14, 2012

I'm a Mrs!

May 14 – Get all wedding gift info logged on spreadsheet and start name change process
May 21 – Work on getting at least half of thank you notes out and get back to regular working out (at least 3 times this week)

Clearly, the wedding happened (it was great! Maybe I'll get around to posting about it soon) and in those last weeks of planning, it happening, and the week after I just sort of fell off the blogging bandwagon.

However, I’m back and ready to re-commit myself to this project I started!

This week’s goal is mainly in the terms of research (name change) and a small amount of computer work. I’m rather busy this week (dance showcase is on Saturday!) so I didn’t want to include anything too time consuming.

If I’m REALLY lucky, I can take a long lunch on Thursday and go to the social security office to start the name change process. If that DOESN’T happen, then I’ll gather everything up and get it done ASAP next week. My goal is to get the biggies of name changing (SS card and license) changed before May 28th.

I'll let you know if that happens!