Friday, March 16, 2012

Is it fried?

March 12 – No “fried” foods (this means, no fast food French fries (although oven fries are good), no potato chips (unless they are “baked”), no fried chicken, etc.) AND focus on wedding things (finish escort card design; get thank you notes OUT THE DOOR; final decisions on music; start “must take” photography list)
March 19 – Clean, Clean, Clean! Deep clean both bathrooms, organize spare bedroom, vacuum, deep clean kitchen. (We have visitors coming to the house over the weekend and I’d like the house to be lovely for them!)

Last week rounded out nicely with me having gone to the gym 3 times and to dance once. Tried to carry that in to this week, but unfortunately I kept forgetting my gym bag at home! So far, 1 night of dance and I’m going to the gym tonight. I also have dance tomorrow morning and am going to try to hit the gym (or workout at home) on Sunday. Except for dance, I'm going to stick with low impact (elliptical/bike/Pilates/yoga) for the foreseeable future as I've managed to injure my right foot. :-(

This week – Not eating fried food is WAY harder than I thought it might be. But on the other hand, not really that difficult just takes a little extra thought (getting a side salad instead of fries, are baked potatoes an option, grilled chicken, etc.). I DID have a few tortilla strips on top of my soup the other day at Max & Erma's. So, technically fried, but I'm letting myself slide. One slip does not a resolution break!

The whole thing would probably be easier if I had a kitchen full of food, but I don’t. I’ve been eating fast food and in restaurants all week. Next week, although it won’t be an official resolution, I’m going to try to get my butt in gear with the cooking food at home and packing my lunch business. I have all sorts of new pots/pans/utensils from our wedding shower and I think it’s time to put them to use!

As for next week – I have visitors coming in, so I should clean! A deep scrub of the bathrooms and kitchen, a quick vacuum of the house, and a nice organization and de-clutter of the spare bedroom. I’ll need to come up with some sort of schedule to stick to, otherwise I’ll end up doing it all Thursday night/Friday morning before they arrive!

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