Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Kicked it!

Feb 20 – No fast food. By “fast food” I mean McDonald’s, Taco Bell, Wendy’s, Burger King… This does not include restaurants such as Subway, Panera, Pei Wei, and Qdoba.
Feb 27 – Give up soda
March 5 – Let’s try another fitness week – Dance two times a week; workout two additional times.

Well, I kicked the “no fast food” thing in the a$$. My cousin offered to get me a McFlurry (I wanted ice cream SO badly) on her way over to my house and I declined! I feel REALLY proud of myself. This is not to say I ate super healthy all week, but I didn’t allow a drop of fast food into my body. It was actually A LOT easier than I thought it would be. I’m going to attempt to keep the fast food to a minimum (there have been weeks when I’ve been eating some form of fast food at least once a day – Gross!).

This week – No soda! In addition, I’m going to resolve to do the following: print organizational chart so I can start adjusting it to my own needs; start a deep clean of the house; and get at least half of the Thank You Notes for the gifts from the shower out.

Not drinking soda is actually really difficult for me. It’s not so much the caffeine I crave (I can get that from coffee/tea) but the bubbles. We have a SodaStream, so I’m going to see if I can get myself to enjoy plain fizzy water and/or see if I can find a way to flavor it that I like (I tried mixing in some Vitamin Water, but it had an off taste to it).

Any suggestions for fun/different resolutions for the coming weeks?

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